DIY Sweet and Salty Trail Mix

Our whole family loves to "snack".... while watching tv, while surfing the internet or even just inside the car when traveling. My husband loves trailmizes but they are incredibly and insanely expensive when you buy it out so we just make our own!  Here's a healthier alternative and versatile snack that you and your kids can enjoy the whole day;



1. Raw/Roasted Nuts - my favorites are cashews, almonds and pistachios

2. Dried Fruit - I usually put dried craisins, plain raisins, dried goji berries

3. FUN Extras - Here's where you can get creative, you can add sweet extras such as chocolate chips, pretzels, banana chips, etc. We usually put dark chocolate raisinettes (our kids love it!) and sometimes even gummy bears! *wink*


You don't even have to think....just put everything together in a jar or container then shake and mix! Voila!

Out little S enjoying this mix too! 

Snack away,


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